Thursday, February 25, 2016

13 Year Old Boy Could Be Getting A College Scholarship?

         You're probably thinking,"Wait a 13 year old boy could be getting a college scholarship, is it true?" Well it is definitely true, a boy named Richard Turere created a way to make peace with lions! To communicate and save other types of animals from dying. First Richard tried to put fires to try and scare the lions away, but that didn't work. Next he tried to make a scarecrow to trick the lions into thinking someone was there to stop them from killing the cows, but that didn't fool the lions. They would still come and eat the cows. Then one night Richard was walking into the cowshed with a torch and realized know lions in sight, he figured that moving light would scare lions away. So he put a light in seven community houses after that everyone found out, so it is being used all over Kenya. For that, this boy went to Brookhouse School to study there (it is the top school in Kenya) because of his invention. Next after being at Brookhouse for a couple of years he moved to the United States. What do you think he will do next?


  1. It is amazing that a 13 year old boy may be getting a college scholarship already! His first two ideas were still clever though and his scarecrow idea stopped the lions for the scarecrow's first night. After he found out that lions stay away from moving light, I was surprised about how he made his invention work so well! I guess young people can accomplish things that adults couldn't have done. Good job Richard Tuere with your invention!

  2. Wow that kid is pretty smart. The ideas he thought of in the beginning were still smart and good. And at the age of 13 getting a scholarship already. That is really amazing. The fact that he thought about what was going on in his situation is really cool. Like he sees the lion move away and notices that it is because of the light. I would of been like, why is he moving? what is scaring him? or what is going on. Congrats to that kid.

  3. Wow that kid is pretty smart. The ideas he thought of in the beginning were still smart and good. And at the age of 13 getting a scholarship already. That is really amazing. The fact that he thought about what was going on in his situation is really cool. Like he sees the lion move away and notices that it is because of the light. I would of been like, why is he moving? what is scaring him? or what is going on. Congrats to that kid.
