Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Japan, A disaster waiting to happen..

              Imagine a city where you go and it's so crowded that people are shoved onto trains and wave pools were all you see is people and no water. Sounds like a third world country, right, but it's not. It's Japan.  Japan is a little country, with even less usable land with a big population. The population of all of Japan is around 127.3 million people and Tokyo has around 8 million of that population, almost as big as New York City, but Tokyo is larger in mass(luckily) but in unluckier cities with less land is where you see the people being pushed onto trains for work and the capsule hotels and wave pools with no water because they can't live anywhere else in the country other than cities because much of it is mountains and isolated areas cut off from the world. So people risk the likelihood of getting mugged or belongings stolen to be connected to the ever growing country of Japan.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that should be able to happen because people like their own space instead of getting shoved into a train so tite. I would be so mad if I had to be shoved into a train. What I would do is get bigger and longer trains because I wouldn't want people to say that was the worst train ride ever.
